Property Council of Australia Christmas Lunch 2023

A belated response to the PCA event in December before Christmas 2023.
I was fortunate enough to be included on the Mott MacDonald guest list and had the opportunity to catch up with colleagues from our S2F days. Many thanks to Peter Hale for the invite.

Property Council of Australia Christmas Lunch 2023

A belated response to the PCA event in December before Christmas 2023.
I was fortunate enough to be included on the Mott MacDonald guest list and had the opportunity to catch up with colleagues from our S2F days. Many thanks to Peter Hale for the invite.

Colin Sakinofsky (pictured right) and David Fletcher (pictured left) together with Phil Mark (pictured centre) from Athfield Architects (@athfieldarchitects) at our recently completed Massey University Technical Innovation Centre (@masseyuni).

Phil has worked tirelessly over the past 7 years to deliver this project from design through to construction.

25.05.2023 | New Site Launch

L2D Architects is excited to announce the launch of our new website! Check out our new site at!

What differentiates L2D Architects?

The main game, at all times should be the “Business of Research” which includes workplace and human resources – design must assist in driving it. We see ourselves as supportive enablers in the delivery process, be it business case development or translating design ideas into built reality.

Website design and animation by @3sidedsquare.

08.03.2023 | Vanessa Gautier – Practice Manager

With a marketing background in the advertising industry, followed by training in interior design and residential landscaping, I now apply my particular expertise to the role of Practice Manager, within an architectural company of specialist designers, in the field of research laboratories.

I enjoy applying my diverse skills to the many activities in the office including the marketing and media management and the day-to-day administrative support our practice requires. More importantly, I enjoy being a part of the collaborative team approach we have created at L2D Architects.

Photograph by @paul.maartens

08.03.2023 | Jessica Zhang – Senior Architect

I am a Senior Architect at L2D and thoroughly enjoy being immersed in our niche platform as research and educational architects. My strengths lie in continuously learning and building relationships with clients and consultants. I have implemented several successful and innovative laboratory projects since joining L2D Architects in 2020.

L2D have welcomed my return to the practice, after a year of parental leave. During this time, I embraced the opportunity to successfully complete a Diploma of Project Management. I will resume my role as Senior Architect and I’m excited to apply my new skills to upcoming projects.

Photograph by @katyamenshikovaphoto

08.03.2023 | Jess, Vanessa + Frankie

8 March marks International Women’s Day (IWD) 2023. This year’s theme is ‘Embrace Equity.’ Equity is essential to creating an inclusive world. It emphasises accepting that people start from different places and in our case, as part of the L2D team, Jess Zhang (pictured left) and Vanessa Gautier (pictured right) started their careers in Melbourne, Australia and Durban, South Africa respectively.

Francesca or Frankie the Lagotto (pictured in the centre) has her origins in Italy – Ravenna to be more specific. True to her nature is a passion for food and singing opera.

At L2D Architects, we definitely ‘Embrace Equity!’ Today – 8 March 2023, we aim to continue the focus of ‘Cracking the Code’ and advocate that equal opportunities endorse inclusivity in the workplace. We do notice that Melbourne is abuzz on IWD, generating the wonderful energy that this day brings!